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Plastic Free Management System

Certification Process
The Plastic Free Certification - Management System Scheme, owned by Eco Sphere Academy Association, is designed for any organization that wishes to embark on a journey to reduce single-use plastics and valorize its Plastic Free commitment. The final goal is the total elimination of disposable plastics throughout the production chain (including packaging and suppliers), but it applies to any company that makes efforts in this direction.
The certification processes and operating procedures follow a gradual approach and are accompanied by consultancy processes

1. Initial Analysis 
(Plastic Assessment - PA)

Assessment of the use of single-use plastics at the initial stage of the process. It consists of an analysis of production processes and the creation of a comprehensive list of items aimed at gaining awareness of one's environmental impact of plastics.

2. Planning 
(Plastic Reduction Plan - PRP)

Development of a Plastic Reduction Plan to identify concrete reduction actions. For each item, with the support of a consultant, opportunities for reduction, elimination or replacement are assessed and actions to be implemented over a one-year period are determined.

3. Implementation and Monitoring 
(Plastic Reduction Plan Deployment - PRPD)

Implementation of planned measures and periodic recording of progress and results achieved. In addition, this phase includes staff training and the development of Plastic Free communication to stakeholders.

4. Verification Audit

Verification of compliance with the Plastic Free Standard - Management System, conducted by auditors in online or in-person mode. The organization can request the verification audit within a maximum of 9 months after initiation.
Within 30 days after the audit PFC's Certification Committee determines the grade and issues the Plastic Free Certificate, with a validity of one year.
These steps can be managed and monitored on the dedicated platform, which facilitates the management of data and documentation and it makes it possible to calculate the reduction in CO2 equivalent emissions triggered by the certification process.
How does the grades evaluation system work?
We realize that it is through small progress that significant impacts are generated, so the certification scheme recognizes various grades to testify to different levels of commitment.

To achieve Plastic Free certification, companies must remove single-use plastics along their supply chain. The greater the involvement of suppliers, the higher the grade awarded.
Grade E
Grade D
Grade C
Grade B
Grade A
- Inclusion in the PA of at least 80 per cent of the conventional single-use plastics used in the spaces covered by the certification;
- Reduction of at least 1 single-use
- Proper monitoring and valorization of reductions;
- Appropriate Plastic Free training and communication carried out;
- Waste and plastic management in
accordance with local regulations;
- Reduction of each single-use plastic purchased from mass distribution;
- Reduction of at least 1 single-use plastic purchased from suppliers;
- Elimination of every single-use plastic purchased from mass distribution;
- Reduction of every single-use plastic purchased from suppliers;
- Elimination of all single-use plastics throughout the supply chain;
- Absence of unresolved major
- Reduction of at least 1 single-use plastic;
- Waste and plastic management in accordance with local regulations;
In addition to the previous ones
- Proper monitoring and valorization of reductions;
- Appropriate Plastic Free training and communication carried out;
In addition to the previous ones
- Reduction of each single-use plastic purchased from mass distribution;
- Reduction of at least 1 single-use plastic purchased from suppliers;
In addition to the previous ones
- Elimination of every single-use plastic purchased from mass distribution;
- Reduction of every single-use plastic purchased from suppliers;
In addition to the previous ones
- Elimination of every single-use plastic purchased from mass distribution;
- Reduction of every single-use plastic purchased from suppliers;
Good practices and noncompliance with the Standard can increase or decrease the final grade.
Validation Body
Plastic Free Certification Sbrl is a Certifying Body accredited by the Scheme Owner to issue certificates on this Standard. The Certificate is issued by the Certification Committee, the Validation Body internal to PFC and composed by environmental activists, academics, editors and experts of the Plastic Free Standard.

During the meeting, the auditing reports are analyzed and the requirements for issuing the Certificate are evaluated. With an unquestionable and non-reviewable judgment, it defines the applicable grade and recognizes the kg of CO2eq saved during the certification process.
Plastic Free Quality Board
How can the impact in terms of CO2eq be calculated?
In 2021, in collaboration with the Department of Industrial Engineering and Economics at the University of L'Aquila, a research project was conducted on the Carbon Footprint assessment of single-use plastic elimination.

The research team, coordinated by Dr. Davide Di Battista, looked at the methodology defined by the PFS-S with the aim of valuing the carbon dioxide equivalent emissions avoided through actions to reduce, eliminate or replace single-use plastic items. After a careful and voluminous literature search of scientific articles, international reports and publications on LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) analysis and carbon footprint of single-use plastic items, the researchers obtained the values of CO2 equivalent emitted during the plastic products life cycle (from when the raw materials are extracted, to end-of-life management, passing through all stages of production, assembly, transportation, distribution, use, and disposal). Thus, the research made it possible to create summary matrices, where for each product category and material, a value of kgCO2eq/kg plastic was identified.
Subsequently, the research focused on substitution hypotheses, considering biodegradable plastic materials (PLA, PHA, bio-PET, bio-PE, etc.), as well as paper, tetrapak, kraftpaper, and wood, and items made of multipurpose materials (glass, aluminum).

An algorithm embedded in the platform automatically relates the values of these matrices to the periodic data of the organizations, returning the exact figure on the impact of each organization's reduction actions, net of any more sustainable substitutions, and show how many kg of CO2 equivalents are saved by applying the Plastic Free Certification procedure.

Certified Companies

Supplementary consultancies
Our Plastic Free consultants are qualified to accompany companies undergoing certification in every process described.
In addition, they are qualified to provide additional and optional consultancies:
Plastic Free Training - Sustainable Solutions Research - Monitoring Accompaniment

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with our certification you calculate the CO2 saved

thanks to the collaboration with the University of L'Aquila
it is now possible to calculate how many kg of CO2 equivalent can be saved by applying the certification procedure of Plastic Free Certification
read the study


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