Climate, sustainable Blockchain against plastic abuse

by Giorgia Tortiello

Reading time 1 minute

The new Blockchain technology takes the field to protect the planet against the abuse of consumption of single-use plastic. To combat the effects of climate change and to protect the environment, the innovative start-ups Plastic Free Certification and B2Lab they brought together “enthusiasm and skills” and announced today that they have created “a digital platform based on blockchain – sustainable, cheap and fast – to manage end-to-end the processes of reduction and elimination of plastic”.

The two hi-tech stratups underline that through the B2Lab blockchain-based platform "it is possible to archive and authenticate the virtuous path undertaken by the Organizations to reduce and eliminate the use of single-use plastics, gradually involving the entire production chain". The process ends "after the verification of compliance with the Plastic Free Standard, with the Plastic Free Certification".

On the blockchain "both the virtuous paths to reduce the use and abuse of plastic will be certified – milestones, digital content, time stamps, responsibilities, signatures – and the Plastic Free Certificate obtained by the Organizations". This goal is made possible "by the sustainable B2Lab blockchain (B2LabChain, consortium pegged mainnet ethereum) which manages to reconcile energy sustainability and security , accessibility and privacy, scalability and ease of use, speed and decentralization".



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Grazie all'Università dell'Aquila è possibile conoscere quanti kg di CO2 equivalenti si risparmiano applicando la procedura di certificazione di Plastic Free Certification
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