Collabora con noi

25 Febbraio 2021

by Michele

Tempo di lettura 1 minuto


The auditing body provides inspection services to verify that the customer complies with the Plastic Free Standard, through a planned, independent and systematic evaluation process aimed at ensuring the quality of the certification.

Requirements ​ :
• ​ professional qualification;
• ​ professional experience;
• ​ PFC specific training (3 or 4 days)

Contact us at for more details.


The PFC consultant supports customers in the management of the certification operational tools (Plastic Assessment, Key Performance Indicators definition, Plastic Reduction Plan), in order to arrange adequate preparation for the visit of the auditor.

Requirements ​ :
• PFC specific training (1 or 2 days)

Contact us at for more details.


The promoter is a collaborator that spreads the PFC message and finds new customers. PFC offers an opportunity for personal and professional growth aimed at those who care about environmental protection.

Requirements : ​
• ​ stipulation of a collaboration agreement.

Contact us at for more details.


A body that promotes the message of PFC in its country, finds new customers and accompanies them throughout the certification process, developing a systematic communication strategy, through a specific website, related assistance and communication services.
In this case, ad-hoc agreements can be evaluated with specific commissions based on the customers taken in charge.

Contact us at for more details.

con la nostra certificazione puoi calcolare la CO2 risparmiata

Grazie all'Università dell'Aquila è possibile conoscere quanti kg di CO2 equivalenti si risparmiano applicando la procedura di certificazione di Plastic Free Certification.
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