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Cycle by Mauro Colagreco


Plastic Free Certification - Management System - 6 - IN PROGRESS

1-2-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda 100-0004 Tokyo Prefecture


"Change is now and solutions exist.

I firmly believe that there is no better waste than one that is not created. Plastic has a devastating impact on our ecosystems and biodiversity; getting rid of single-use plastic is not easy, but it is definitely doable, and it is a great first step towards a more circular gastronomy.

It is in our hands to change the paradigm to save our planet and oceans. I am very proud to lead Cycle on this extraordinary journey to de-pollute our kitchens and operations."

Chef Mauro Colagreco

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with our certification you calculate the CO2 saved

thanks to the collaboration with the University of L'Aquila
it is now possible to calculate how many kg of CO2 equivalent can be saved by applying the certification procedure of Plastic Free Certification
read the study


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P.IVA/Cod. Fis. 02059040671
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