Plastic Free Certification in Mexico for a Plastic Free Event

by Michele

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It has already been a month since we attended the "Mirazur Beyond Borders" event at the Montage Los Cabos Resort in Mexico. It was an important environmental sustainability event in international haute cuisine and we were proud to testify to the organisation's environmental commitment. The guidelines of the Plastic Free Events have been meticulously applied and respected and we were so happy to recognize our Plastic Free Event certificate at the Montage.

During the initiative we had the opportunity to participate in the Montage Green Table, a moment of confrontation with which the Montage team periodically discusses and tackles issues of sustainability. This time, together with our first certified restaurant, the Mirazur, we participated as special guests, in order to share experiences and skills.

Finally, during a beautiful sunrise the next day, we participated in the cleaning of the adjacent beach, learning a lot about the techniques used to not miss the elusive pieces of plastic that hide under our feet.

For us at PFC it was a unique and precious experience, we are increasingly convinced of the inestimable value of sharing strategies and skills aimed at constantly promoting a responsible and sustainable environmental awareness.


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Grazie all'Università dell'Aquila è possibile conoscere quanti kg di CO2 equivalenti si risparmiano applicando la procedura di certificazione di Plastic Free Certification
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