The Plastic Free Product certification refers to the material composition of a single product or article and enhances innovative solutions without plastic components, both in the source material, both in the content and in the packaging.
If you are interested in this option, do not hesitate to let us know and we will be happy to contact you as soon as this service is available.
We collaborate with the University of L'Aquila for the calculation of CO2
Do you know that thanks to the University of L'Aquila it is possible to know how many kg of CO2 equivalent can be saved by applying the certification procedure of Plastic Free Certification?
Get Certified
Start to make a difference
with our certification you calculate the CO2 saved
thanks to the collaboration with the University of L'Aquila it is now possible to calculate how many kg of CO2 equivalent can be saved by applying the certification procedure of Plastic Free Certification
Plastic Free Certification S.B.R.L. Sede legale: via Villa Ardente Alta, 3 Bellante Teramo 64020 t. +39 085 795 0664 m. +39 333 486 5318