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YOU KNOW!, plastic free boat tours

by Michele

Reading time 1 minute

With Paolo Cherillo

Who are you? What do you do?

 I'm Paolo Cherillo and I'm HR manager for YOU KNOW!. You Know! is a splendid organization with a team of about 40 people. The head office is in the Sorrento peninsula and we are present in other Italian and European destinations.

 We organize boat tours and we really care about the experience of every single persone who boards our boats.

you know pfc

Describe yourself in three words

 I'm proactive, cheerful and very curious.

When did you decide to choose PFC?

We began our plastic free process to eliminate disposable plastic in our activities between 2019 and 2020 when we started replacing all products with biodegradable or compostable products.

What difficulties have you faced / are you experiencing?

The difficulties we faced and we have to face in our path are especially about the materials and their costs. In addition, stakeholders and corporations are loath to change.

Who would you recommend this certification to?

I would recommend the Plastic Free Certification to all those who care, like us, about plastic pollution in the oceans.

Finally, to help us to improve the certification: if you had a magic wand, what would you change about the solution proposed by PFC?

If I had a magic wand and if I could change something about Plastic Free certification, I'd change the day of the foundation of the company... because a few decades earlier it would certainly have been helpful for the whole world and for all of us.

Thank you Paolo for this interview!

Thank you too!

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with our certification you calculate the CO2 saved

thanks to the collaboration with the University of L'Aquila
it is now possible to calculate how many kg of CO2 equivalent can be saved by applying the certification procedure of Plastic Free Certification
read the study


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